# Update
Finally i m updating my blog since the last post. :))))))
It's been more than a month i didn't upload nth on this blog. Things happening too fast, i can't really remember or record them all. :P
1st// Grad show is over, everything about schooling is done. Do miss my friends in school, you guts are adorable.
2nd// Now, woking in HKTDC as production coordinator, great in come, just a little bit too far from home.
3rd// I've been swimming for 2 weeks, been to a real trainning for 1 week, then i gave up. LOL. what they are looking for is to swim as fast as posible. But swimming suppose to be relaxing and fun, not about fast, (for me). Thats why i gave up, totally personal!!! LOL.
4th// Now, instead of swimming, running for an hour every night is my exercise. Tired but real fun. heeheehe.
Do appreciate everything happening in my life, YAY!! :)))))))))
# Plan?
It's been a month that i didnt update my blog; has been really busy with the final year project.
Seriously, I do wanna just get it over with, I cant being fucked by these project things again and again, endless, sucks! :P
Time to find a job, but please, no design........... pleassssssssssssse :D
# Morning Fight (18++++++)
Its all began with a dude who send me a msg talks about how boring he is, then i pissed off, and leave a status on facebook which is the following one. :D
就算係屋企你都有大把野可以做, 但絕對「唔。包。括」話比全世界知"你好悶!"
////////// :)) //
有某類人咧, 當知我係屋企既時候, 就會問我做乜咁悶,
問題係, 我係屋企唔悶丫!!! 咁死先入為主話我留係屋企就實好悶算係乜野意思?
////////// :)) //
咁悶死去打飛機喇, 夠晒開心, 唔好再ADD我講埋D無謂野, keyboard打字好累架,
SMS就唔同講法, 呵。
////////// :)) //
heres the conversation with another lovely friend :D
某 :: 咁你唔想聽咪叫人地唔好同你講好悶囉, 人地嗌悶都係自由!
我 :: 我家陣就係係度直言我唔歡喜丫- -
某 :: 即係要人地約你但唔講得約你ge原因
我 :: 哈哈哈, 無咼, 我比你揀
1 :: 好鬼悶丫... 陪我出去睇戲/
2 :: 你睇左套乜乜乜未, 聽講好好睇, XXX, 陪我去睇丫/
咁揀我會揀2, 起承轉合齊晒, 正 :P
用悶泥做約人既原因唔掂當掛, 即係搵人攝時間攝到出晒面, EW...
同更可況佢地又唔係約緊我出去, 哈哈哈哈
某 :: 做朋友唔怕俾人拎黎攝, 我諗係你介意姐.....
我 :: 我介意架, 哈哈哈哈, STATUS一開頭都好明顯架 :PPP
imagine if i said it this way...
某 :: 咁你唔想聽咪叫人地唔好同你講好悶囉, 人地嗌悶都係自由!
我 :: 言論自由? 咁你又差撚住我段STATUS?
某 :: 即係要人地約你但唔講得約你ge原因
我 :: 尼個係說話既技巧, 約人走去講自己好悶所以搵人攝時間?
當佢真係咁同你講既時候, 你覺得順耳同會開心? 咁我恭喜晒你!
某 :: 做朋友唔怕俾人拎黎攝, 我諗係你介意姐.....
我 :: 朋友係拎泥攝? 交朋友咁交架咩?
oh WOW, i m being so nice with her,
god, i m a good person indeed! :D
# Speechless
某 :: 拉登死關我乜事?
我 :: 國際新聞, 聽多幾句唔洗死的。
某 :: 人都死左, 仲講泥做乜?
我 :: 都係個句, 有D野知左你唔一定要有任何reaction, 但你係應該要知的。
某 :: 要知的, 不需要整一個專輯......
Speechless, i give up!!
# The littlest things... Thanks Dad
也知道大快活早餐, 牛扒炒蛋是一定錯不了。
爸:: 嘩你講粗口? 你細佬唔鐘意聽丫。
南::(哈哈哈), 咩呀, 無聽過咼。
爸::係呀, 佢唔鐘意。
Thanks for noticing the littlest things that no one cares.
Love you, Dad.
# How m I Doing

係忙, 但好悶, 個人無咩精神, 唯有得閒PHOTOSHOP下泥過日晨。
自己一條友遊街既好處係睇乜都得, 行得幾慢都得, 對上一次自己一條友行錯路, 反而發現左一間好正斗斗令我行左成粒鐘既鋪頭;
懶得整理思緒, 唯有見步行步最實際 :D
Life has been very bored recently,
Kind of busy but totally boring// nth much, n photoshop-ing is what i do while nth to do. LOL.
Too lazy to do anything,
i need to clean up my mind then go...... go to where?
# HeraKut

Official page: http://www.herakut.de/
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/pages/HERAKUT/17698904954
Extra: http://streetfiles.org/search/Hera/photos/page:1
# 0930- 1830

同梁家慇小姐由朝係學校待到晚, 中間只係同LINDAB吃左個早餐
The last school day before CNY holiday :)))
Staying in library after having breakfast with Wisty n LindaB,

尼本書厚3.XCM, 入面仲要類似文言文咁
但最後同梁小姐都將尼本書征服左 :D 睇晒嚕, 不過用晒成日既時間囉
為既就係發掘下廣東話俗語既正字 :((
This book spent us the whole afternoon, just to finished it.
I think we've found what we were looking for, but not enough, got more to go, hell yeah!!! :D
But.. my eyes.................:(((
# Biscuit/ Cookies/

Yes, it's a pack of biscuit. ;))
And so far it's the second best biscuit i've tried.
Go get some next time u go to the supermarket :PPP
純粹就餅乾泥講, 尼隻應該係我試過第二好味既,
最好味個隻暫時搵唔番, 哈哈哈哈

Here's the cookies i've bought since my sem break begins. It's not that much actually, just soso, but the taste is really amazing :D!!!
PK is now selling it $58@2, totally awesome! :D
尼鼠有八罐曲奇餅 :D
其中七罐係一模一樣味道既, 哈哈哈哈, 事源係因為真係太好味 :)))
百佳有類, 之前$100@4 / 之後$58@2/ 仲係好抵食, 正抖抖。
That's the best i can do :'(((
This is a totally freaky old game which LMAO!!!! :P
check it out:
# WTF!?

佢兩個係邊個 :$
咩事幹有兩條友無喇喇搞D咁既野;我而家嚇親;快D搵人安慰我! ;))))
What the FUCK is this all about!?
I don't even know them, what's wrong with these two ppl? I m so so so scared now!! :'(((
Anyway, they both got deleted already, lol.
# Cusion毛茸茸

A new cusion made by my mum, so so so so so so sooo lovely n shaggy :PPP
LOVE it!!
My new favourite :)))
# Sem Break

(the rite one is someone who doesnt wanna be seen)
The last presentation before sem break, hell yeah.
Finally it's all done. :D
Final Year Project is on :D
Just got briefing yesterday;
Let see what should we do, sounds fun n freaking terrify... :S
# 我未能忘掉你@1992
i m lying on my bed, listening to this song..
somehow, i can still remember the way i love u.
sweet dreams tonight :))
# HKIPT2010

Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2010 // ACT。LIVE
more details will be updated tmr :D
time for bed,
# Go For It
Limit of time, tons of work :S sucksss!!!
But still, just go for it, let see how far we could be :)))
# Day With Crap n Bird
Before bed, it's time to update my blog.
Nothing much today, deleted lots of crap on my computer which is.. i don't know, maybe it's around 4-5GB, lol.
n updated the songs on my mobile :DD There's now only 4 singers songs on my mobile ;)))
// KE$HA/ G.E.M./ RubberBand/ Jinny/

It's a bird i create at night time. Yeah i know it looks like a chicken more than a bird, but.. i don't give a shit, it's a freaking BIRD!!!! :DDD lmao.
Time for bed,
Cheers, NITE.
Nothing much today, deleted lots of crap on my computer which is.. i don't know, maybe it's around 4-5GB, lol.
n updated the songs on my mobile :DD There's now only 4 singers songs on my mobile ;)))
// KE$HA/ G.E.M./ RubberBand/ Jinny/

It's a bird i create at night time. Yeah i know it looks like a chicken more than a bird, but.. i don't give a shit, it's a freaking BIRD!!!! :DDD lmao.
Time for bed,
Cheers, NITE.
# Kill or Be Killed
Its been a very long time I didn't update my blog, n yeah, its now 2011, I should start blogging again... yes, i should :D
The latest blackpaper is about 'killing', there's a interesting question: U wanna kill or be killed.
If i have to, of course i will kill rather than be killed.
But here's another question pop up in my head, who deserve to be killed?... I guess no one. lol.
// Yes, so far.. there's no one.
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