# 健身
:: 這世界的瘦子好可憐喔 拼命的健身 肌肉只會硬不會大 喝難喝的高蛋白 喝到快吐還是瘦 好不容易胖了一點 腹肌也不見了 又要做有氧 一輩子就忙著增肥減肥練肌肉就好了 ...
:: 健身或運動 是為了身材不是健康 ; 這種人才可憐..吧..
總係覺得有人將健身/運動既重點放錯晒位, 都話明健身咼, 緊係健康行先身材行後既嘛 :))
做尼d野係為健康, 身材只係副產品。得唔到身材就可憐, 得到健康又唔見你覺得高興咼。人類 好可愛豬丫真係!!!:D
# Se7en; All About Eve

Se7ev, starring BradPitt n MorganFreeman.
早兩晚同個靚女MSN ; 被推介睇尼套se7e, 圍繞住七宗罪發展既追捕故事。
love the topic, love the mood, love the ways people die. :))
but the story goes on too slow n so totally can predict the ending :P
好當然地, 以前泥講已經算係好唔錯, 始終唔可以拎而家既懸疑/推理電影泥比, 更莫論係宗教電影喇 ;))
ending前係車上面既個堆對話真係好開心睇到, 個幕先係成套戲既精髓所在, 前面既查案 追捕 死屍..so not the point!!! :))
通常睇完一套戲, 都會上網睇下d人講d咩, 睇下影評,
:: 位黑人先係幕後搞手, 之前一堆理論唔詳講,
但真係好誇張 :D 而佢既分析亦都好九唔搭八, 但尼類人類總係好吸引, 好想開佢個腦袋出泥玩下, 嘻。
Link :: 01.

All about eve, starring AnneBaxter n BetteDavis.
Recommended by a friend, its a 1950' movie i guess, really old movie, and yeah! Marilym Monroe is on the movie as well, so damn sexy, eieieiii.
以前既戲其實真係好精彩, 故事係極度簡單絕唔花巧但好吸引人, 仲驚嘆係, 通常1個scene係1take過, 唔似得而家既電影不停轉鏡頭, 反而睇得舒服左順眼左。
classic movie, must watch! :D
Link :: 01.02.
Oh yeah!! two more movies i wanna see so so so so badly!!!
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, n Mommie Dearest
but i cant find it on the net, and cant even find the chinese names of those movies, :((( well, i should keep looking now, ttyl!
# Mature!?
曾經有一個麻甩仔 ; 佢同我講佢比同年紀既人成熟好多, 覺得自己好鬼成熟。
但 ;
佢今日facebook status竟然講左以下尼句 ::
:: 今日係旺角見返個仆街frd,見佢坐住輪椅,我心想:抵你死,你都有今日
oh wow!!!尼句就係一個「成熟」既人講既野? ; 尼一句好明顯係自以為成熟既人類講既野。
# 康泰旅遊巴在菲律賓被脅持事件(2)
Links :: Yahoo, CNN,
its been a huge incident. everyone was talking about it, and supporting the victims from overseas n facebook! :))
oh yeay!! some interesting conversations on facebook ::

佢地資源有問題 ; 當然睇得出。但無計劃無效率無膽 畏首畏尾 ; 先係問題。
anyway, life goes on, love u all.
# 康泰旅遊巴在菲律賓被脅持事件
彈野愈睇愈激心 ; 最後睇到真係有少少眼溼溼..激到條氣chok住chok住
死左既 唔死既 ; 都唔好過。
本來值得興幸好多人都關注尼彈野 ; 但竟然有人會拎尼彈野泥開玩笑 ?!

#1 - 佢地應該減肥同真係操下 ; 佢地已經肥到行動不便 甚至無效率可言。
#2 - 練下個膽 ; 做得警察竟然怕死避開 // 其實做得尼行都預左死 ; 死左都算風風光光轟轟烈烈有個薰章仔 ; 佢地真係怕死到我唔知佢地做乜。
#3 - 當條友死左之後 ; 成堆就衝晒埋去「救人」搏見報 ; 係咪路 // 真係咁樣辦事?!
thats what we expect!! and there's nth shown in reality ; feel bad for them! :((
#3 - 當條友死左之後 ; 成堆就衝晒埋去「救人」搏見報 ; 係
thats what we expect!! and there's nth shown in reality ; feel bad for them! :((
Link : click here
# 男人掀廁板不放下 女人最憎

男人掀廁板不放下 女人最憎
家居用品零售網站 24studio.co.uk訪問了 1,165名女性,多達 54%受訪者表示最難頂是另一半總是不將廁板放下,其次有 23%討厭他們將濕濕的毛巾放在床上, 15%不滿他們隨便把骯髒衣服丟在地上。
link : click here.
its all bullshit!!! woman r cute n full of weird thought.lol.
all i can think of is.. 下次 ; 直接連廁所板蓋都蓋埋 ; done!!! ;))
# Buddhism; Science
A friend of mine just sent me some links, its all about how his religious proved in a scientist way.lol.
what can i say, its too complicated as its not my major subject in school n not my religious. but its totally interesting n so what i really love to know more. ;)))
and hey, my friend told me that he would explain all these to me next time we met, hell yeah!! i m so full of questions right now!! :D
seriously, people should believe in sth to support their own life, i will believe in sth one day, buddhism will be the first choice. maybe i should read more books of buddhism.lol.Hell yeah!!so exciting now.
Too busy on watching these damn great videos on utube now!
# NewBlog

Heres the thing, ive been keeping all my thought in my mind n brain, but ive never type them all out, or even tell anyone before. :D
So its totally weird for me to think of what should i TELL in this very first post.lol.
oh well.. i will edit this post later, as i m totally blank now.lol.
P.S. love u mannie, i will edit it later asap. promise ;))
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佢地都係 SWAT, 但係係 Sorry We Ain't Trained