Cheuk Wan Chi: looptaggr
that's fun.
oiroy: OWLS!
just a page wanna bookmark/
# Dreams when i nap
午睡發的夢, 醒來還清晰記著。
# 心臟
將心臟劃下幾刀, 掀開, 騰出最大空間, 放你進去 ; 縫, 每針刺痛, 卻樂在其中。
感受著你心跳與我心跳; 相連 ; 感受最近的距離 ;
後來你掙扎了, 想走了 ; 我不放。
你就在我心臟劃下你的憎恨 ; 傷痕似乎深得痊癒不了。
數一下 ; 這些年 ; 心臟裡是多少人的淚或恨。多少人連屍骨也無存了?
放心吧。就算我現在不放你 ; 有一天你在我心的房間亦會被人取代。
幾個人矛盾的存活在我心臟裡 ; 撕殺吧 ; 我心是你的。
# McDonalds
havent had Mcdonalds for a long time, n i bought one last week, after tasted few fries, i did really say "YUCK!!", so wanna throw up, its full of fat.. yuck.. :(((
seriously, no more mcdonalds in weeks again.. :((
# Admit who u r
People should know what they can do, n admit it if they suck!
let say it this way ::
if u r stupid, just admit it, and .. ask for help when problems show up.
its nth wrong to be stupid, no one is really that smart to be someone who can do everything by himself. :P
n, being stupid is a good thing in some ways, u can take less responsibility, hell yeah! just tell people u don't know how to do this or that, then people will help u, and if its screw up, just throw the one who help u out of the bus!!! :D
love u all, stupid bitches ;)))!
# -ing
A new week is coming, sucks :)))
i kind of finished some of my homeworks already, but yeah, still got lots to do :(((
really tired of sitting in front of the computer to do thinking, AI-ing, PS-ing, yuck!
but i like pps-ing. :D

oh yeah, n now ugly betty is on my pps :))) i will see her tonite when i finished my works, yeah, i miss u betty!!! :D
# Missing.
i miss the way u smile,
n how i look into ur eyes, the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen in the world.
Seriously, had a very bad week, everything sucks, really fucked up, being so emo, lol.
but hey, there's one thing i m totally good at, which is suck it up :P so now, i think i m doing very okay, n thanks for all the SMS from u.
u always being so nice, well maybe not all the time, but still, u r a very good person, n a very important one in my present life :)))
n well, hving someone to support myself is really important for me in life, it really sucks when there's no one being supportive around you, so, i know i m lucky, always lucky :)))
i miss u deeply :)))
just never wanna tell u, as i guess u already knew, u know me very well :D u always do.
n somehow,
i guess i need a lover, not a life-time partner, without any responsibility, theres more freedom for us to expore our life :P
or, i m just too scared to shoulder anything :P:P:P:PPPP
what a evil kid i m :D
# NoNothing

its been a week already, i mean my school :D
and its nothing there, school really sucks! nothing is ready, and there's no computer to use as well, why the fuck is that happening :))) what a lovely school ;))!!
i cant due with the school projects at this moment as my mind is so not ready to think :P
but hey, i will work on that, n try to hv fun or just make myself more comfortable with all these crap :D!!
# 1stDayAtSchool

First day at school ;)) so fucking sucks!!! :D
New school //hate the school, nth like what i expected ;))
New schedule //hate the timetable :D no fucking day off, hell yeah!!! ;P
New projects //hate the projects, what da hell is tat, no ideas in my head right now!!
oh yeah, true, i m hving too much anger in my mind right now :D but yeah, i kind of expected my final year will being like this :D so fucking sucks n depressed! :0
i slept when i arrived home, then woke up for dinner, after that, get da hell back to sleep :(( so fucking tired today :(((
P.S. i m so not fucking happy n hving any fun, design makes me sick!! :D
# BeforeSchool
Hell yeah, school will start tmr ;))
so not ready n so not wanna go to school :D but hey, i got lots of new stuff for school, actually not just for school, i just got so many new stuff in this summer holiday for my ownself. :D
so wanna take pics of them all, so that i can share here ;)) but u know what, there'r not more than 5 ppl watching my blog ;)) so why would i spend the time on that, huh!? :D
okay.. or i should take them for myself, to memorize my holiday, yeah!! :0
will edit later ;))
love u all.
# 超能力
# Hand Book Artist Journals

i want one so bad! anyone knows where i can find this one? :D
or i should just buy it from its site? :((
# 健身
:: 這世界的瘦子好可憐喔 拼命的健身 肌肉只會硬不會大 喝難喝的高蛋白 喝到快吐還是瘦 好不容易胖了一點 腹肌也不見了 又要做有氧 一輩子就忙著增肥減肥練肌肉就好了 ...
:: 健身或運動 是為了身材不是健康 ; 這種人才可憐..吧..
總係覺得有人將健身/運動既重點放錯晒位, 都話明健身咼, 緊係健康行先身材行後既嘛 :))
做尼d野係為健康, 身材只係副產品。得唔到身材就可憐, 得到健康又唔見你覺得高興咼。人類 好可愛豬丫真係!!!:D
# Se7en; All About Eve

Se7ev, starring BradPitt n MorganFreeman.
早兩晚同個靚女MSN ; 被推介睇尼套se7e, 圍繞住七宗罪發展既追捕故事。
love the topic, love the mood, love the ways people die. :))
but the story goes on too slow n so totally can predict the ending :P
好當然地, 以前泥講已經算係好唔錯, 始終唔可以拎而家既懸疑/推理電影泥比, 更莫論係宗教電影喇 ;))
ending前係車上面既個堆對話真係好開心睇到, 個幕先係成套戲既精髓所在, 前面既查案 追捕 死屍..so not the point!!! :))
通常睇完一套戲, 都會上網睇下d人講d咩, 睇下影評,
:: 位黑人先係幕後搞手, 之前一堆理論唔詳講,
但真係好誇張 :D 而佢既分析亦都好九唔搭八, 但尼類人類總係好吸引, 好想開佢個腦袋出泥玩下, 嘻。
Link :: 01.

All about eve, starring AnneBaxter n BetteDavis.
Recommended by a friend, its a 1950' movie i guess, really old movie, and yeah! Marilym Monroe is on the movie as well, so damn sexy, eieieiii.
以前既戲其實真係好精彩, 故事係極度簡單絕唔花巧但好吸引人, 仲驚嘆係, 通常1個scene係1take過, 唔似得而家既電影不停轉鏡頭, 反而睇得舒服左順眼左。
classic movie, must watch! :D
Link :: 01.02.
Oh yeah!! two more movies i wanna see so so so so badly!!!
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, n Mommie Dearest
but i cant find it on the net, and cant even find the chinese names of those movies, :((( well, i should keep looking now, ttyl!
# Mature!?
曾經有一個麻甩仔 ; 佢同我講佢比同年紀既人成熟好多, 覺得自己好鬼成熟。
但 ;
佢今日facebook status竟然講左以下尼句 ::
:: 今日係旺角見返個仆街frd,見佢坐住輪椅,我心想:抵你死,你都有今日
oh wow!!!尼句就係一個「成熟」既人講既野? ; 尼一句好明顯係自以為成熟既人類講既野。
# 康泰旅遊巴在菲律賓被脅持事件(2)
Links :: Yahoo, CNN,
its been a huge incident. everyone was talking about it, and supporting the victims from overseas n facebook! :))
oh yeay!! some interesting conversations on facebook ::

佢地資源有問題 ; 當然睇得出。但無計劃無效率無膽 畏首畏尾 ; 先係問題。
anyway, life goes on, love u all.
# 康泰旅遊巴在菲律賓被脅持事件
彈野愈睇愈激心 ; 最後睇到真係有少少眼溼溼..激到條氣chok住chok住
死左既 唔死既 ; 都唔好過。
本來值得興幸好多人都關注尼彈野 ; 但竟然有人會拎尼彈野泥開玩笑 ?!

#1 - 佢地應該減肥同真係操下 ; 佢地已經肥到行動不便 甚至無效率可言。
#3 - 當條友死左之後 ; 成堆就衝晒埋去「救人」搏見報 ; 係
thats what we expect!! and there's nth shown in reality ; feel bad for them! :((
Link : click here
# 男人掀廁板不放下 女人最憎

男人掀廁板不放下 女人最憎
家居用品零售網站 24studio.co.uk訪問了 1,165名女性,多達 54%受訪者表示最難頂是另一半總是不將廁板放下,其次有 23%討厭他們將濕濕的毛巾放在床上, 15%不滿他們隨便把骯髒衣服丟在地上。
link : click here.
its all bullshit!!! woman r cute n full of weird thought.lol.
all i can think of is.. 下次 ; 直接連廁所板蓋都蓋埋 ; done!!! ;))
# Buddhism; Science
A friend of mine just sent me some links, its all about how his religious proved in a scientist way.lol.
what can i say, its too complicated as its not my major subject in school n not my religious. but its totally interesting n so what i really love to know more. ;)))
and hey, my friend told me that he would explain all these to me next time we met, hell yeah!! i m so full of questions right now!! :D
seriously, people should believe in sth to support their own life, i will believe in sth one day, buddhism will be the first choice. maybe i should read more books of buddhism.lol.Hell yeah!!so exciting now.
Too busy on watching these damn great videos on utube now!
# NewBlog

Heres the thing, ive been keeping all my thought in my mind n brain, but ive never type them all out, or even tell anyone before. :D
So its totally weird for me to think of what should i TELL in this very first post.lol.
oh well.. i will edit this post later, as i m totally blank now.lol.
P.S. love u mannie, i will edit it later asap. promise ;))
佢地都係 SWAT, 但係係 Sorry We Ain't Trained